Janel Pisorchik
My mother taught me at an early age to do the very best with what I had. Being a creative person, I continually thought of ways to reinvent our home by using found or existing items. I absolutely fell in love with the creative process, and this sparked my interest in interior design.
My career path took me away from my childhood passion and brought me to the world of hospitality where I spent many years supporting this industry as a technology executive. Although I enjoyed these challenges and achievements, I couldn’t ignore the persistent pull towards interior design, so I often found myself creating new spaces for friends and family.
There came a time when I realized my true calling was to connect with people in a different way. I made the leap to follow my passion so I could begin making a meaningful impact in people’s lives through design.
My belief is that interior design should be approachable and attainable for everyone. A home should be a true reflection of you and a place you want to make memories in all while showcasing your unique story and personality. I’m driven by creating real spaces for real people, because let’s face it, not everyone wants to live in a museum.
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